Somatic Psychotherapy
Often times it can feel like our bodies are operating completely separate from ourselves, as if the mind and body are detached. However, the mind and body are interconnected and in constant communication with each other. Together we will learn to track and listen to the body and begin to understand the information it has for us - noticing body sensations with curiosity, building capacity to tolerate the discomfort we experience, deepening into and feeling our emotions more fully, and orienting towards safety and joy. Learning to be curious about and track these connections offers an opportunity to gain understanding and appreciation for the responses of the body. More importantly, this understanding and can also support healthy self-regulation.
Integrating Somatic Experiencing®
SE™ is a body oriented approach to healing trauma and other stresses within the body. With a healthy therapeutic relationship, the goal of SE™ is to create a safe space for the body to process trauma and restore a sense of well being and safety. This unique approach to healing trauma is a lens through which I approach my work and it is inevitably woven into the healing process. During a consultation, we can discuss more about SE and how it is incorporated into each session.
Transpersonal Psychology
Transpersonal Psychology is focused on studying the spiritual and transcendental aspects of human nature. For example, exploring the depths of our interconnectedness, spirituality and incorporating it into daily life, expanding consciousness, exploring the possibility of stepping beyond the ego’s experience of the world, or any other mystical experience relevant to your life.
This is an area of interest and experience for me, and my own spiritual experiences guide my own life. I understand that many have varying levels of comfort with spiritual exploration. It is my goal to meet you where you are at in your own personal journey, and bring it into our session as it makes sense for you.
““Meagan provided a warm and welcoming space for exploring my very scary and emotionally intense feelings during a challenging transition in my 38 year marriage. Meagan was extremely helpful in supporting all of my conflicting feelings and asked honest and deep questions which prompted me to look at my life and my relationships in new and healthier ways. Her professionalism, kindness and openess were of tremendous help to me during a time when I felt very alone. She is remarkable.””